How To Stop A Shaky Voice When Speaking in Public

Feeling the nerves hit when your voice decides to join the shaky party in a meeting? It happens to the best of us! The struggle is real - the fear of judgment, the self-doubt, the “Am I making any sense?” vibes. It’s like your vocal cords are on a rollercoaster you didn’t sign up for.

People with public speaking anxiety often experience symptoms like sweaty hands or a fluttering heartbeat. For many, public speaking anxiety can also involve a shaky voice. Your vocal cords can react to stress and tighten when you don’t want them to - causing a tight, squeaky or shaky voice.

Here are five strategies you can use before and during a talk when your voice starts to break.

  1. Deep Breathing Techniques:
    Before stepping onto the stage, take a moment to centre yourself through deep breathing exercises. Inhale slowly and deeply through your nose, allowing your lungs to fill with air and exhale through your mouth. This simple yet powerful technique helps calm nerves, steadying your voice and promoting a sense of composure.

  2. Vocal Warm-ups:
    Just as athletes warm up before a game, speakers should warm up their vocal cords. Incorporate vocal exercises into your pre-speech routine to enhance your voice's flexibility and reduce tension. Practice scales, hums, and tongue twisters to ensure your voice is in top form for the spotlight.

  3. Embrace the Pause for Poise:
    When nerves kick in, the instinct might be to rush through your speech. Instead, embrace the power of pauses. Purposeful pauses not only provide a moment for you to collect your thoughts but also allow your audience to absorb your message. Use these intentional breaks to regain control over any voice shakes.

  4. Visualize Success to Silence Self-Doubt:
    Combatting a shaky voice begins in the mind. Imagine yourself delivering a flawless performance and receiving a positive response from your audience. Visualization not only boosts your confidence but also minimizes the impact of nervousness on your voice. Convince yourself of success, and your voice will follow suit.

  5. Connect with Your Audience:
    Shift the focus from yourself to your audience. Establish a genuine connection by maintaining eye contact, smiling, and acknowledging your listeners. When you feel connected, the fear of judgment diminishes, allowing your voice to resonate with authenticity and strength.

  6. Massage Away Tension with Vocal Relaxation Techniques:
    Just as we unwind tight muscles after a workout, your vocal cords can benefit from a gentle massage. Before your speaking engagement, try massaging your neck and throat area with light, circular motions. This helps release tension, ensuring your voice flows smoothly. Combine this with humming softly to relax your vocal cords further.

In a nutshell, when your voice starts shaking during public speaking, don't panic. Take a deep breath before you speak, warm up your vocal cords like you would stretch before a workout, and don't rush—pauses are your friends. Picture yourself acing the speech, and focus on connecting with your audience. Take a deep breath, relax, and go rock that stage!

If you are working on (or want to) your public speaking confidence, check out my signature private coaching programme, Confidence and Clarity. Inside, I’ll teach you how to silence your inner critic and replace it with unwavering confidence and unshakeable self-belief. So you can make an impact in meetings and enjoy the recognition you deserve at work.


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